Terms and Conditions for Layaway Agreement
Columbia Copper Works is happy to accommodate purchases through our layaway program. A 25% deposit is required to begin this layaway plan. This 25% deposit is non-refundable for any reason.
The length of our layaway program is 90 days. The expiration of this contract will be 90 days from the date of original deposit. If this contract is not-fulfilled by the expiration date, the merchandise will be returned to our inventory. This contract cannot be extended.
This layaway program is only offered on standard, non-custom items offered for sale. Please contact us if you wish to discuss a layaway program for a custom item.
Although we encourage regular payments, they are not required. We may provide helpful monthly billing reminders at our discretion for this contract, for your convenience only. You may cancel this agreement at any time prior to the contract’s expiration. Any money paid, beyond the initial 25% will be refunded in the same manner it was received. Refunds may take up to 90 days to process.
Any warranty on the merchandise will begin on the date of pickup or shipment.
Shipping on layaway purchases will be completed within our standard timeframe of one to two weeks.
By making the initial 25% deposit, you hereby agree to the contract as stated above.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this contract.
Columbia Copper Works
Toledo, WA 98591